To kick off, SNSD performed a live stage of The Boys, Paparazzi (Japanese), Gee and Complete. There were also many lucky draw give away for some Sones ranging from Casio Baby G watches, GiRL Fragrance, Albums, handshakes, hugs etc, that were handed out by the girls directly.
However one of the biggest highlights of this event was a cake event. Each SNSD member made their own special cake on stage in a given time limit and within that time limit, each member were to decorate the cake as nice as possible! This can only go two ways! From a Fan account who witnessed the session;
“YURI cheated by starting early and TAEYEON spent so much time shopping for her decorative ingredients and kept on cheating by adding more things on her cake when the time was over. SOOYOUNG was really skillful in squeezing out the cream and wrote 0805 in blue. HYOYEON circled the cake with ma…ny red heels and wrote some unreadable words in red on the cake which was dripping like it was bleeding haha. SEOHYUN made a light blue striped cake with 9 girls on top very quickly and nicely. YOONA made a cake with big letters saying SNSD ♥ SONE with SNSD on top of SONE saying it’s because of us could they have been here. JESSICA was slow as usual and made a really simple cake haha. YURI was really ambitious and added a lot of things on the cake haha. TIFFANY won the contest by creating a really sophisticated cake with pink letters and many decorations.”
To make the fun night even more laughable was that as slow as Jessica is, her cake was apparently stolen by another member! Sones was not aware where her cake disappeared to or even who took it, however it did roughly look like this;

Finally, to sum up the event, (sorry there isn’t much info on this event) some Fan accounts of Sones who attended the event, provided some highlights of the night! take a read below;
[FANACCOUNT] COMPLIED SNSD 5th anniversary fan meet-stephfanie_805, (Original)?????
1) Sooyoung and Yuri ‘s parents attended the fan meeting
2) Taeyeon said she was so happy and Yuri who was beside started dancing crayon shin’s dance after than …. it became both of them dance crayon shin dance together crd : TYDC
3) today they showed/reveled the members unglam pictures . In which one was Yuri was wearing specs reading a book sitting roller coaster xDDDDD another one was with Tiffany . Using a software/app making their face in a weird shape , making their body look long and showing their teeth . Crd : yul_a
4) When they were about to announce the first place for the cake , in their hands they seem to have something like popper , Yuri didnt know to to use so she walked over to YoonA The part where they answer qns , fany was replying/answering , so Fany was between Yuri and YoonA , but while Fany was answering , Yuri and YoonA still talked/communicate to each other despite fany in the middle of them and answering .
The part where they answer qns too . Sooyoung’s qns is something like you have because of that particular member and laughed very hardly . YoonA replied very fast saying 율언니 율언니. Right before they revealed the have-never-before released YoonA picture , Kwon Yuri said : ah , this picture of YoonA is interesting . Once they show the picture , Fan’s reaction was : ahhh its not even unglam . Kimtaeyeon then said because YoonA is an actress . following that Yuri said : 그럼 나는 ( then what about me , what am i ) ( YulTi that picture was really unglam )
5) Yuri said : “we are goddess “
6) Today there was alot of YulTi … The position/order they sat was the same as the poster behind them . At the start i rmb sooyoung and taeyeon was tgt , after that they changed their place because sunny was not around , so in the end , when hyoyeon , jessi and yoona were looking for their seats , they started laughing hardly … not sure where they are suppose to seat . At the end they was a part where Yuri directly rest her head on Fany’s shoulder .
7) When Yuri was about to go and hug that male fan or shake hand , that male fan was too nervous that after he receive the present he walked away aldy , causing everyone ( fans and soshi ) who was present to laugh . Yuri who was facing his ( that male’s fan ) ‘s back and doing faces , this guy is gonna regret crd : w没钱了
They did gave presents . there was casio baby g and perfume … the lucky few , yoona , jessi , fany , sooyoung did hug them the rest of the members shook hands . The funniest part was that , there was a male after receiving the present he turned ard and walked off , made us laugh like mad , so she turned around and hugged another member , i forgot who she hugged crd : pltang
8) Today this two really sat tgt , what would happen …. When they were revealing the unglam selca they took , in which Yulti was the most unglam one . under the situation
when they are confuse on where to see , yuri rest her shoulder on fany . Fany said she wants to exercise with Yuri . Yuri then suddenly stretched out her pinkie saying : promise ! So in the end they both hook pinkies !
-Will be Updated if any more information pops up!-
Source: @stephfanie_805, woonieyoongie, “SNSD ~Jessica~ 소녀시대”@Facebook
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